Thursday 21 March 2013

Leveraging Technology for Job Recruiting

The advent of the internet has facilitated a cross-industry adoption of computer based solutions. Most importantly, it has changed the way recruitment assessments take place, to the extent that it is predicted to replace paper-based assessments entirely over the next few years. 

Computer based recruitment solutions are gaining significant popularity since organizations are recognizing the benefits of technology with respect to screening candidates. Not only is it time-saving when compared with traditionally employed manual processes, but it offers a myriad of other advantages to quintessential recruiters – 

1.   Saving Costs – Studies suggest that an approximate cost of sending a delegate to interview candidates at a university about 10 years ago was about 1700 dollars per candidate. In contrast to this, using video conferencing technologies for job recruiting initiatives brought down costs to about 50 to 250 dollars per candidate.

2.      Access to Larger Databases – With the creation of job boards and other professional networks on the internet, it is possible for organizations to scout for talent across borders. With a significant increase in the pool of candidates, businesses are able to recruit the right talent.

3.      Ensuring Workplace Diversity – By optimizing technological tools, any form of bias in the early state of recruitment can be minimized with the help of online aptitude tests. By offering impartial recruitment solutions, it is possible for organizations to facilitate workplace diversity.

4.   Quicker Recruitment – With access to tool such as automated CV screening and video interviewing, one is able to expedite hiring processes and avoiding application withdrawals due to process delays.

Employers across the United States are looking for ways to use computer based recruitment methods in the future. With opportunities to save costs and even attract global candidates, the efficiency gained by adopting technology into hiring processes is highly beneficial. 

Technology has not only streamlined hiring processes, but it has also played a significant role in imparting relevant information to candidates. 

While employers are adopting newer technologies, a growing number of candidates are leveraging tools such as smart phones, social networking profiles and job boards to apply for new jobs. With more innovative and interactive solutions being introduced in the marketplace, the face of job recruitments is about to change forever!

Friday 8 March 2013

How to Deal With Peak Season Staff Requirements

If yours is a field that has varied periods of high and low business depending upon the time of the year and season, there is a good chance that you face regular staffing problems. Considering that there will be need for less staff in dull periods and an increased need to employ more workers during peak seasons, you will always face the challenge of being able to find those extra few workers on short notice, every time there is a rise in business.

So how exactly should you deal with this problem?

·         If you are registered with an online job website, there are plenty of options for you to recruit multiple staff at one time. Most websites offer the option of job batch feed where job posting packages of 50 to 1000 jobs or even more are available. These multiple jobs simply need to be sent in a batch feed file and they can be advertised simultaneously on the website.

·      Another way to recruit multiple staff is by picking up fresh graduates from University campuses and educational institutes. Most of these graduates are looking for immediate employment and will be more than happy to even take up something on a project basis for a few months, simply to get the experience.

·         Keep a resume database handy of all the people that you could not hire during dull periods due to lack of vacancies. There is a good chance that they may be still looking when you need them in peak business season. Hire them on for a few months to deal with the increased workload and if they are exceptionally good, you could even retain them or contract with them to hire on a regular basis during peak seasons.

·         Get in touch with your ex employees especially those who are on a sabbatical or had left due to personal reasons. There is a good chance that most of them will be willing to work on project basis or for a few months if compensated well.

While most of these options will yield good results, the job batch feed option is best suited when large numbers of positions are required to be filled.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Recruiting Part Timers for your Business

There are many types of businesses that require part time workers. Teaching, freelance writing, data entry jobs and childcare providers are examples of some part time jobs that are much in demand nowadays.
If yours is a business that requires part time workers only or alongside full time employees, you may be unaware that recruiting these employees can turn out to be quite a challenging task if it is not handled well.


One of the biggest challenges faced is that these part time workers are assigning only a few hours to work because they have another priority to deal with, either personally or professionally. Thus managing their schedules and hiring them as per when they are available could be tricky.

Moreover part timers have an attitude that since they have much less time to give, they would rather make the most of it and thus expect to be compensated well. Their hourly payment expectations are hence higher than regular full time employees hired on a monthly payroll.

How to Hire Part Timers

1.    To hire part timers you could post jobs in newspapers and trade magazines or even have an online job posting specifying clearly the part time position that you need to fill. In fact, one of the best ways to go about hiring part timers is through the internet. Post jobs on job specific websites and expect a fantastic response as most of the prospective employees will be stay at home mothers or students spending a great deal of time online and probably on a constant hunt for a lucrative way to make money in their spare time.

2.    Another way is to look for already employed part timers who may be looking for a second job to supplement their income. This is especially for college lecturers who take evening classes or babysitters who take up sitting jobs for couples heading to dinner.  They will most likely be open to take up a day job for a few hours as teachers or childcare providers or even something that is different from their field but relatively easy to imbibe.

Irrespective of how you recruit, keep in mind the challenges and make sure to mention the amount of time and the specific timings that you will require these part timers to be available for work.

Monday 4 March 2013

Finding the Best Talent for Banking and Finance Jobs in Chicago

One of the most popular global business destinations, Chicago is a hub for banking and finance companies. Downtown Chicago houses some of the biggest commercial and private finance companies, International Banks, security firms and venture capital firms.

With this plethora of finance companies, well qualified employees are spoilt for choice, while filling a position with an educated prospect having relevant work experience and desired skills is a daunting task for the company. Particularly so, if you are running a medium or small level finance company or equity firm and have multiple positions to fill but limited avenues to recruit from.

There are as many as 2500 banking and finance jobs openings at any given time in Chicago and needless to say much less employees who suit the positions and make for an appropriate fit.

How then, can one tap the best candidates for Banking and Finance jobs?

In order to reach the appropriate candidates that are best suited for the jobs, it is important that the job listing is well drafted and placed in the most relevant media. The job listing must highlight the company’s best features and be attractive enough for the best resources to consider in the first place.

A good idea would be to have regular job postings on all the leading job websites. Most websites offer job posting packages that turn out to be affordable and effective. You can post multiple positions and get great deals on the same.

Another important thing to do is network and always keep a pool of possible resources handy. Even if you do not need to hire immediately, make sure you have a bank of resumes of potential employees that you could hire when need be.

Some of the best prospective employees are fresh graduates from B-schools. If the position allows, look for finance graduates from leading universities. They are ambitious and raring to go. They have a certain freshness that can help greatly in taking your company forward.

Also, remember that good employees are investments. If you need to poach an incredible resource at a very high cost to the company, do not hesitate to do so if you are absolutely sure that he will be worth it in the long run and will contribute to the company’s success.

Friday 1 March 2013

Tips on Recruiting Effectively in New York

New York City is called the financial capital of the World and rightly so. With some of the best companies in Banking and Finance, Retail, Technology, fashion and food headquartered here, markets are bustling and job opportunities are expansive, varied, lucrative and highly rewarding.

However, with New York also being the most populous city in the United States, it is filled with a large immigrant population and thus with its diverse and well qualified available pool of resources and job applicants, recruiting appropriate employees for a particular job is nothing short of a challenge.

As is the case in any job market, New York too has a number of specialized job recruiters, placement agencies, head-hunters and companies providing comprehensive recruitment solutions. Whatever the credibility and success rate of these companies is the thing that remains constant yet again is the problem of ‘effective recruiting’.

These job recruiters might help you to find a pool of possible resources that might seem like a good fit to your company, but their effectiveness and suitability can be ensured at your end by keeping in mind these very basic but essential tips.

·    Don’t rely on external recruiters only. Expand your pool through networking at conferences and job fairs and through current employees and staff members. Also through University placement offices and online job boards, magazines and websites.
·     Promote from within. Look at in house candidates to fill positions. They already know the working of the company and its basic principles and mission.
·     Make sure to check backgrounds and references when you recruit. This will help you to hire safe and strong employees who come with recommendations and experience. There is very little chance of you going wrong if you hire somebody whose background checks out.
·   Don’t distinguish on the basis of origin. Some of the best candidates might be from countries and communities you are not aware of. Pick on the basis of qualification and general smartness. 

Finally, make it known that you are a great employer. Use every opportunity to let prospective employees know that yours is a great company to work at, with good salaries, work life balance and excellent motivational programs. This will directly help in improving the quality of job applications.